Top 3 Color Schemes for Small Bathrooms

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Top 3 Color Schemes for Small Bathrooms

When you have a small bathroom, you may feel like your space is too limited for complex design choices. As such, you may be tempted to stick to the same dull shades all the time, such as white. Having a small space doesn’t have to mean giving up on the things you like, especially when it comes to color.

In fact, you can still play around with various shades as long as you pick the right ones. There are many creative ways to add a splash of color and change the overall atmosphere in this special place of the house.

So, here are the top 3 color schemes you should consider for a small bathroom.

  • Consider Some Shades of Blue

Blue is a very nice and relaxing color, which is one reason why it would work so well in a bathroom. It will make you feel like you’re at the beach, admiring the beautiful waves of the ocean. Light blue may be the best choice, particularly if you do not want to go overboard with it. If you want your daily shower to become a true ritual, this color scheme can do wonders.

Small Bathroom

“Blue is one of the most popular colors in small bathrooms,” says Sheridan general manager of product & innovation Joanna Ross. “It can have a positive effect on our mood as it connects us to a blue sky or ocean found in nature, which helps us to feel relaxed. The color blue is known to help calm the mind and produce a feeling of tranquility, a perfect sensation for winding down at the end of your day.”

If you have blue undertones and hues, you can mix them with some cool whites. They are the perfect match for a bathroom. This is also a great option if you don’t want your whole bathroom to be white.

To stick to the theme, you can add some bathroom accessories in matching colors. We’re talking about towels, rugs, storage boxes, and even art and pillows.

  • Opt for Green

Green is a favorite among people because it helps them experience the peacefulness of nature. It is also a very relaxing color, especially if you add it to your bathroom.

By using different shades of green, you can transform your bathroom completely, making it look like a little forest. Once you do this, you will never want to leave your bathroom, especially when you’re ready for a spa day.

“Green is a color that will never go out of style, and always seems to come back in one form or another,” says Shawna Percival from Styleberry Creative Interiors. “We know that nature is a source of peace for many people and bringing in this natural color makes perfect sense – it’s a total mood boost.”

What’s even better is that green works with pretty much every other color. It especially looks good with warm wood shades. So, if you add some wooden cabinetry or shelves to this area, you’ll fall in love with the new style. Despite the limited space of your bathroom, it will not look cluttered.

  • Go Dark

You may not want to go for dark shades in a small bathroom out of fear of getting less light inside. After all, unless you have a good light source in this little space, a dark theme can greatly reduce your visibility.

But why not embrace this style and give your small bathroom a stylish makeover? Going for dark hues will make you feel at peace whenever you need to retreat after a long and stressful day.

Moreover, dark shades will offer this space more depth and will make your bathroom look straight out of a magazine. The key is to add dark accents to the right places. For example, they work great around showers or bathtubs. Then, most of your bathroom can be painted in a middle hue and the trim can be in a light shade to add some balance.